Special Announcement – Welcome Lochlan!


It is with great pleasure and excitement that we announce the arrival of our newest Costen Family member!  My husband Shawn and I welcomed our third son, Lochlan Clarke Keating, into the world on Wednesday, January 21, 2015.  Lochlan is a healthy baby boy, and weighed in at 8 pounds 11 ounces and was 20.5″ long.  He is a very content little man, spending his days eating, sleeping, and “talking”.


Lochlan Clarke Keating

His older brothers Leland and Leighton are thrilled to have a baby brother and so far have been great little helpers in taking care of him.


Leighton and Lochlan


Leland and Lochlan

For the next few months I will be working from home and spending time with our new little bundle of joy!  Please note that I will be regularly checking email during this time, however, for any policy inquiries or changes please contact our Office directly at 403-245-2424 or admin@costeninsurance.com.  You may also contact one of our other fabulous Team Members directly:


Andrew Shareksi  – andrew@costeninsurance.com

Andrew has worked with Costen & Associates since June of 2007 and has been the Office Manager since 2009. He focuses on auto, property, recreational, commercial, and travel insurance. In his spare time Andrew enjoys spending time with his wife and three children, playing music, and cheering for the Vancouver Canucks (sorry Flames fans).


Kristel Wilson – kristel@costeninsurance.com

Kristel joined the Costen and Associates team May 2010. She completed her Chartered Insurance Professional designation in 2008 and has been in the insurance industry since 2005. Currently she focuses on auto, home, and motorcycle insurance, with some health and accident insurance. In her spare time, she enjoys books, movies, and she is also a registered “Supernatural” fanatic.

Peter O’Sullivan – peter@costeninsurance.com

 Peter joined the Costen & Associates family in July 2013. Originally from Ireland, Peter completed a Bachelor of Business Degree in 2010 and spent the last three years working as an Insurance Broker at Munster Group Insurances. He moved to Canada from Ireland in June 2013, and he has been loving every minute of it! Peter enjoys spending his free time with family and friends and traveling.

Heather Howard – heather@costeninsurance.com

Heather joined the Costen & Associates team in December 2013 and has been in the insurance industry since 2006. Her current focus at Costen is on auto, property, and travel insurance. Prior to moving to Calgary, Heather lived on Vancouver Island where she worked as an insurance broker for several years. She enjoys spending her free time with her husband, extended family, and 2 dogs.

Karen Sandeman – karen@costeninsurance.com

 Karen has been in the insurance industry since 1977 and previously owned Glenmore Insurance Brokers Ltd for 21 years. In her spare time she has volunteered at Heritage Park for over 20 years. Her other interests extend to traveling the world, cooking, baking, bridge, golf, her dogs & cat, and spending time with friends and family.

Thank you!

Crista & Family :0).


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