Happy New Year – Welcome 2016!


We would like to wish all of our clients, friends, family and associates a Happy New Year! Best wishes for health and happiness in 2016.


I say this every year, but it still rings true: is it just me, or does each year seem to go by faster than the last? How is it possibly 2016 already?


2015 was another busy year with lots of changes. As it has for the last several years, 2015 started off with our Team attending the Calgary Motorcycle Show.  This year we gave away some awesome Motorcycle Metal Art and the pieces were a big hit.  We also gave out a tonne of motorcycle calendars and Costen pens, but with how busy the show was, we ran out of supplies early.  We have already stocked up on supplies for our attendance at the 2016 show, which takes place January 8th, 9th, and 10th. Please stop by our booth to say hi and enter our draw!
Andrew, Larry and I (along with our families) attended the IBAA (Insurance Brokers Association of Alberta) Convention in May. This was the first year it was held in Lake Louise, Alberta.  As always, we attended some great seminars, enjoyed mingling with many of our Insurance Company representatives and fellow brokers, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery around us!
We added a couple of new Team members again this year. Arvind Pandhar joined the Costen & Assocates Team in May, and Cory Vanderjagt joined us in October.  We look forward to working with this great group of people going forward into 2016 and are happy to have them taking care of you, our valuable clients!


We also said goodbye to Heather Howard in mid October as she left on maternity leave in preparation for her new arrival in late November.  We wish Heather a wonderful year off with her new little bundle of joy.
We celebrated several anniversaries again this year. Heather Howard celebrated her 2nd anniversary, Karen Sandeman celebrated her 4th anniversary, and Kristel Wilson and Lloyd Keating celebrated their 5th anniversary with Costen & Associates. Pammi celebrated her 6th anniversary, Andrew Shareski and Nirmal Lombsar celebrated their 8th anniversary, and yours truly celebrated my 17th anniversary this past July. As of September, our business coach Trae Ashlie-Garen has also been part of the Costen & Associates family for 10 years!


Our Charity of the Year for 2015 was Helping Families Handle Cancer Foundation. We had a very successful year with a lot of referrals (Thank You!) so we look forward to sending them a large donation at the end of the year. For more information on Helping Families Handle Cancer Foundation or how you can help, please visit their website.

We hope that you have a wonderful holiday season and we at Costen & Associates look forward to continuing to provide you with excellent customer service and new and innovative products and services in the years ahead.


Welcome 2016!


The Costen & Associates Team

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