2015 Referral Program Results

Helping Families Handle Cancer

We are excited to announce that with the help from YOU, our AMAZING clients, our 2015 Customer Referral Program saw fantastic results!  We raised $1,338.30 for our 2015 Charity of the Year, Helping Families Handle Cancer Foundation!

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Executive Director Carie Stock stopped by our Office last month to personally thank us and our clients for the donation.

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The proceeds that were raised have gone directly to a cancer family in need. Carie provided us with this lovely letter:

“Thank you for your recent donation! Due to your support, we are able to have a direct impact on families with children who are battling cancer. Our Care Program helps families who are struggling to make ends meet during a very difficult time. Many of these families have had to make the decision to sacrifice income to be there for their child. You made a big difference today, by providing families with one less stress and more valuable time with their little one.

Your donation was used to help a two year old little boy who is battling a rare cancer. His parents just moved to Canada before he was diagnosed and therefore don’t have active Alberta Health Care to alleviate financial pressure. His Child Development Team at the Alberta Children’s Hospital recommended that he get a walker to assist in his rehabilitation. The parents have no ability to fund this walker and without it, the child would be directly affected. We utilized the full donation that Costen and Associates donated to our foundation to help pay for this walker. This is going to make a huge difference in his quality of life.

Thank you for being a part of Helping Families Handle Cancer. We couldn’t have done this without Costen and Associates. We really appreciated being chosen as your 2015 Charity of the Year”.

Helping Families Handle Cancer Foundation is a wonderful charity doing amazing things for those in need.  To learn more about this great charity, please visit our feature blog post, or visit them at their website for more information and to find out how you can help!


Thank you,

The Costen & Associates Team

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