2019 Charity of the Year: Mid-Year Update

We just passed the 1/2 way point of 2019 (wow!) and we want to provide an update on our 2019 Charity of the Year, Autism and Aspergers Friendship Society of Calgary (AAFS Calgary, for short). Here’s a little reminder on who they are: AAFS provides respite care in a social and recreational environment for children,…
Happy Stampede 2019!

Yahoo! The 2019 Calgary Stampede is underway! 2019 marks the 107th year of this great tradition. In 1912, the Calgary Stampede was born from the vision of Guy Weadick (who just so happens to have an elementary school in NE Calgary named after him). For more information on the history of the Calgary Stampede, please…
Happy Birthday Canada!

The Costen Insurance Team would like to wish everyone a Happy Canada Day 2019! In celebration of the holiday, we thought it would be fun to list some facts about Canada: John Cabot was the first to explore Canada in 1497 We became a country on July 1, 1867 We are the second largest country…
Tips for Camping with your Trailer

The call of the wild, getting out of town on a camping trip, and enjoying nature is such a great way to enjoy the weekend. If you are camping with your new trailer or boat, it will be just that more enjoyable! Here are some tips to help ensure a great time: Loading and Connecting…
Summer Maintenance Tips

The first official day of summer 2019 is THIS Friday, June 21st (woo hoo!) so we thought it may be helpful to post some maintenance tips for your vehicles, home and garden! Automobiles Swap winter tires to summer tires (yes, some of us are still driving on our winter tires) Check the air pressure and…