Landlord / Rented Dwelling Insurance

A rented dwelling is a property that is occupied by an individual, or a group of people, known as tenants. The owner of the property, known as the landlord, receives payment in exchange for the tenant(s) occupying their property. A property that is rented out to the tenant(s) needs a special kind of insurance known…
Fall Maintenance

September 22nd marks the official start of fall, and the leaves are turning beautiful shades of yellow, red and orange. There is a chill is in the air and one can’t help but be reminded that another winter season is just around the corner. In preparation of the colder days (and weeks) ahead, we thought…
What Are Special Limits?

What are Special Limits? When it comes to reviewing Property Insurance policies, you have likely read over the declaration page which outlines your coverage and premium. But when is the last time you read the policy wordings to review the special limits and exclusions associated with your policy? One section of the policy wordings that…
Back to School

It’s that time of year again… summer is coming to an end and the kids are heading back to school (this week or next week, depending on the school board). As we all remember, back to school 2020 was very different for many families, with some choosing homeschooling or online options for their children due…
Glass Blowing

We are excited to share this guest blog from our client Mandy Patchin from Glass House Xperience on the techniques of glass blowing! The Glass House’s touring glass blowing experience was created by Mandy Patchin and Kai George Scholefield in 2015. They developed this type of studio to grow awareness of this ancient art, grow…