Happy Camping: Trailer Towing and More!

The call of the wild, getting out of town on a camping trip, and enjoying nature is such a great way to enjoy the weekend. If you can bring that new camper trailer or boat with you, it will be just that more enjoyable! Here are some tips to help ensure a great time:…
9 Great Motorcycle Destinations

Motorcycle season is in full swing and summer is just around the corner. As you are planning your summer bike trips, whether for the weekend or a week away, you may want to keep these top 9 motorcycle destinations from Calgary in mind! Highway 1A to Canmore Start in Cochrane and head along Highway…
Tenant Insurance – Contents Coverage and so Much More!

Did you know that tenant Insurance offers coverage for more than just personal contents? Over the years, we have spoken to many clients who feel it is not necessary to have tenant insurance as they don’t “own enough stuff”. However, even if you do not own a large amount of personal property, a Tenant…
Why Do I Need Condo Coverage?

There is a common misconception that a Condo Corporation’s insurance policy provides the coverage and protection for the needs of the individual condo unit owner. As well, many unit owners have minimal contents, and therefore they often feel that an individual condominium insurance policy is not necessary. We are often asked the question “Why…
What is a Special Limit of Insurance?

When it comes to reviewing Property Insurance policies, most people read over the declaration page which outlines the coverage and premium. But how many people actually read their policy wordings and know the special limits and exclusions associated with their policy? One section of the policy wordings that we wanted to bring to your…