Happy Canada Day – 2016

It is hard to believe that summer is officially here and 2016 is half over. I’m sure we say this to ourselves EVERY year, but where has the time gone? As Canada celebrates another birthday, we would like to take this time to wish all of our clients, friends, family and associates a very…
Hail Suppression

Summer is just around the corner and there are whispers that 2016 is supposed to be a “bad” hail year. Given all of the hot dry weather we have had so far, it wouldn’t be surprising to see some severe thunderstorms in the weeks ahead. We thought it would be helpful to re-post some…
Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids – Update

This past Tuesday a couple members of our management Team had the pleasure of spending the morning volunteering with our 2016 Charity of the Year, Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids (BB4CK). The morning started early at 8:00AM, making 870 sandwiches of various varieties. We hit our goal of completing the sandwich making by 9:00AM, and…
Your Insurance Broker!

What is an Insurance Broker? Many people are not aware of the differences between an insurance agent (someone who works FOR an insurance company, also known as a Direct Writer) and an Insurance Broker who works for YOU, the client. We thought it would be helpful to list some of the these differences: …
BLOG Contest

This week, we are doing something a little bit different. We are blogging about our BLOG! By writing this weekly blog, our goal is to provide you with information on the different services available to you, update you on important insurance product changes, alert you about upcoming contests and events, and more. After several…