Spring Maintenance Tips 2016

With the long days of sunshine and green grass just around the corner, many of you are likely starting to think about spring maintenance! As knowledgeable Insurance Brokers, we know that sometimes accidents happen and some claims (like hail) are unavoidable. However, the resulting damage of these accidents or claims can be significantly reduced by…
All About E-Signatures

In order to improve efficiency, Costen & Associates has recently implemented the use of e-Signatures. E-signatures makes the signing of your insurance applications and documents much simpler and faster. No more printing out the documents, signing them, and then scanning or faxing them back to us. And for those without scanners, no more emailing pictures…
Our Insurance Partners

As an Insurance Broker, Costen & Associates represents multiple Insurance Companies. Having these partners allows us to “shop the market” and to find you the BEST rates and coverage to suit your individual needs. In the event of a renewal increase, coverage restriction or service issue with your particular Insurer, we have the ability to…
Commercial Automobile Insurance

Commercial automobile insurance policies provide coverage for individuals or businesses who are using their vehicles in a commercial capacity. Some of the most common types of commercial vehicles that we insure include: Artisan Construction Delivery Farm Service Long-haul trucking Courier Garage Auto A commercial automobile policy offers similar coverage to a standard personal automobile…
Wishing you a Happy Easter 2016!

Wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter! It’s hard to believe we are coming up on that time of year already… March is almost over and Spring is in the air (finally!). In celebration of the upcoming holiday, which this year falls early on March 27th, we thought we would list some…