Happy Valentine’s Day 2016!

We would like to wish you and your loved ones a very happy Valentine’s Day! This year, Valentine’s Day and Family Day fall on the same weekend. So while you are enjoying your chocolate treats and spending time with loved ones, please remember to drive safe on those roads! With the love-filled holiday coming…
Our Team 2016

As we head into another busy season, we thought it may be beneficial to provide you with an update of our amazing Team! All of these fabulous and knowledgeable Brokers are eager and ready to assist you with your insurance needs: Larry Costen, CAIB – CEO / Founder Larry began his career in the…
Life Insurance: The Basics

Life Insurance seems to be one of those topics that many people do not like to talk about. After all, who wants to think about their own mortality? Life insurance, disability, critical illness, long-term care, investments, and wills all play an important role in financial planning. Although there is no requirement to have them, most…
Insurance Myths Uncovered

After 28 years in the Insurance Industry, we have come across many different Insurance Myths. When speaking with our clients, we find that there are a lot of misconceptions with respect to what their policy covers, what impacts their premiums, and Insurance policies in general. Although there are probably too many to count, we thought…
Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids

We would like to introduce our 2016 Charity of the Year, Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids. Established in 1990 by Calgarians Christy Switzer and Kimberly Setrakov, the charity’s original mandate was to provide healthy lunches to Calgary’s homeless kids. In 2002, the organization became a registered charity and in 2005 turned it’s focus to…