Insurance Tidbits from your Friendly Insurance Brokers!

Our little Insurance Brokerage has been busy and it’s hard to believe that 2015 is almost over… where does the time go? As we head into December and everyone is busy planning their holidays and gearing up for Christmas, we wanted to remind you, our valued clients, of a few important things to keep in mind…
Tenant Insurance – It’s not just Property Coverage!

Did you know that Tenant Insurance offers coverage for more than just personal property? Many people who are renting feel that it is not necessary to carry Tenant Insurance as they do not own enough “stuff”. However, even if you do not own a large amount of personal property, a Tenant Insurance Policy is…
Walking (and Driving) in a Winter Wonderland

Winter is just around the corner, so we thought it may be helpful to review some important and helpful winter driving tips for the 2015/2016 driving season. Winterize Your Vehicle Winterizing your vehicle and ensuring that it is in good running condition is always a good idea before heading out on the road in cold…
Remembrance Day 2015

Lest We Forget… please join us this Remembrance Day 2015 in a moment of silence to remember the large number of civilians and military personnel who have lost their lives due to war. World War 1 resulted in the loss of a huge number of lives, including civilian and military. Remembrance Day was…
Uber Ride Sharing: Are you covered?
With Uber now active in Calgary, this is the big question a lot of people are asking. Uber Ride Sharing: Are you covered? First a little history… Uber was founded in 2009. They provide an app-based connection for ride sharing where the public can hire registered independent drivers who use their…