Friends of Costen & Associates…

Operating a successful business for the past 25+ years is the result of a lot of hard work and dedication on behalf of our team. In addition, we had the help and support from many of our friends, clients and associates along the way. As a way to say thank thank you to those who…
Common Insurance Terms and Abbreviations

For this week’s post, we thought it would be helpful to list and explain some of the most common insurance terms and abbreviations! If there any that you have come across that you don’t see here, please let us know and we’d be happy to define them for you. ACV – Actual Cash Value The…
Welcome to the Team, Peter O’Sullivan!

We would like to welcome Peter O’Sullivan to the Costen & Associates Team! The phones have been ringing and the referrals are coming in (thank you), so in order to ensure that you continue to get the fantastic service you deserve, we thought we’d better add another member to our busy Team. Originally from Ireland,…
Happy August Long Weekend!

We would like to wish all of our clients, friends, family and associates a happy and safe August long weekend! Please note that our Office will be OPEN on Saturday, August 3rd, from 10:00AM – 4:00PM. We will be CLOSED on Monday, August 5th. We would also like to officially introduce our fantastic Team, for…
Ride for Sight – the results are in!

It’s hard to believe it has already been 1 month since we attended the 2013 Ride for Sight! Maybe it’s because we have been so busy with the after math of the flood that time has flown by. Or perhaps it is because it’s summer, and that’s what summer does. Either way, we wanted to…