Why Business Insurance?

Commercial Insurance Video Article Series Get a Quote Have questions about insuring your business? Contact Us What is the general process when working with a broker for insuring your business? Insurance doesn’t have to be dramatic, but it is important for your business. Find out why commercial insurance is important, when to consider getting commercial…
Welcome Hala!

The Costen Insurance Team would like to officially welcome our newest Team member, Hala Rifai! After working in several fields from banking to paralegal to salon management, Hala found her calling in insurance while working for a small local insurance brokerage as an executive assistant. After taking the plunge in 2019 and obtaining her general…
Happy Valentine’s Day 2021!

We would like to wish you and your loved ones a Happy Valentine’s Day 2021! With the love-filled holiday coming up this Sunday, we thought we would take this opportunity to share some Valentine’s history and facts with you: History of Valentine’s Day Also known as Saint Valentine’s Day Some believe the holiday began as…
Cutting Hair for Cancer

Earlier this month, one of our AMAZING team members, Sol Digaoan, cut her hair for cancer. She has been growing out her hair for the past year and decided to chop it all off on January 14th (her birthday!) and donate it to the organization Chai Lifeline Canada, which makes wigs for children with cancer.…
Protect Your Business from Costly Cybercrime

Whether your company is big or small, it can fall victim to cybercrimes—and no matter the type of cyber attack, the consequences are big. You faced these risks in an office setting, but COVID-19 has exacerbated the potential of an attack as your employees work from home on their own individual and potentially unprotected networks.…