Since 1987

Customer Referral Program

We began our Customer Referral Program on January 1, 2003 as a way to say Thank You to our clients, friends and associates and as a way to support local charities and organizations within our community.

Since 2003, we have supported a variety of organizations through this program, donating $5.00 to our Charity of the Year for every referral that results in new business.

Beginning January 1, 2020, we have designated the local charity "Helping Families Handle Cancer" (who was also our Charity of the Year in 2015) as the long-term recipient of our Customer Referral Program. We feel that by building a long-term relationship with this charity, we will better be able to assist them and the needs of those families they are helping. We will also continue to support other local charities and events throughout the year!

Thank you to everyone who has supported our Customer Referral Program over the years and for the continued support and referrals to our business.

Please check out Helping Families Handle Cancer's website here to read about the great work they do for our community!

Our past Charities of the Year:

Bright Idea

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