Costen Team Annual BBQ

The Costen Insurance Team got together earlier this month for our annual Team BBQ. This year, we decided to crash Larry’s house out in beautiful Ghost Lake, AB.

The event was held on Sunday, September 8th. The weather was overcast but the rain held off for most of the afternoon, and once it started to come down, we moved things inside.

We had a good turnout with over half of our Team attending the BBQ. The little kids enjoyed playing at the Ghost Lake Village playground and some of the big kids took advantage of the tennis / basketball courts and went for a ride in Larry’s Razor ATV.

This year we decided on a potluck, and enjoyed a wide variety of salads, snacks and cakes along with our staple of burgers and hot dogs! We were even spoiled with a delicious home-made chili and buns!

Here are a few pictures from this year’s event!

Thank you,

The Costen Insurance Team

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