Social Media for Charity!

We are always trying to come up with new and exciting contests for you, our valuable clients!  We would like to announce our Fall contest… “Social Media for Charity”.

As some of you may know, Costen & Associates implemented our Customer Referral Program in January 2003 as a way to say Thank You to our friends and associates for referring business to us.  For every referral that results in new business, we will make a $5.00 donation to our Charity of the Year.  Since inception, the program has been a huge success and we have donated funds to many deserving charities.  Please visit our website to see a complete list of our past charities.

This year, we have been trying to come up with some other ways to support our annual charity.  We set up a donation box in our Office for anyone that would like to donate their loose change, and we also implemented a snack box for staff where 50% of the proceeds go to our charity at the end of the year.  With respect to our referral program, we have raised just under $1,000 for Emma House to date, and we would like to see this number as high as possible by the end of the year.

Here’s where you can help (and be entered to WIN):

From now until December 31, 2012, we will donate $1.00 to Emma House for every “Like” that we receive on our Facebook Page and for every subscription to our website Blog.  In addition, your name will be entered into a draw to win $50.00 off of your 2013 Insurance Renewal!  And as always, please keep the referrals coming our way. We greatly appreciate any friends, family or associates that you refer to us for a quote.  If the quote results in new business, we will forward a $5.00 donation to our Charity of the Year.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing those Likes and subscriptions over the next couple months.  Good luck!

The Costen & Associates Team

PS – We are currently in the process of selecting our 2013 Charity of the Year.  If you have any suggestions or know of any charities who could use our help, please let us know!

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