It’s that time of year again… Back to School!

It’s that time of year again… summer has come to an end and the kids are heading back to school.


I can hardly believe that these two little guys are heading off to Grade 1 this week!  Where has the time gone?  I don’t think I’m ready for them to be away all day.  It will definitely be a big adjustment for all of us!

my boys

The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.

~Sydney J. Harris


Since we are busy with “Back to School” preparations ourselves, we thought it may be helpful to share some tips for getting ready for the busy weeks ahead:

  • Practicing a morning routine, including getting back to a regular sleep schedule (after too many late summer nights!)
  • Grabbing school supplies and any necessary new clothes (including indoor running shoes)
    • Note: many retailers (ie Walmart) have some fantastic back to school sales on right now!
  • Choosing extracurricular activities for the kids to take part in, while trying not to overload all of your schedules
  • Designating a space in your home where the kids can have quiet time to work on homework or school projects
  • Finding a spot to store backpacks and lunch boxes
  • Visiting the school for orientation so the kids are familiar with their classroom and teacher


Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. 

~John Dewey


We would also like to remind everyone about the change over from School Zones to Playground Zones in the City of Calgary that took place last summer.  As of August 2015, all zones have been converted to Playground Zones which are enforced from 7:30AM – 9:00PM every day, year-round.  For more information, please visit the City of Calgary’s website.


An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. 

~Author unknown


For those of you with older children who may be studying away from home, most property Insurers will extend a certain amount of coverage from your Homeowner’s policy to cover their belongings.  For any students who are enrolled in a College or University out of Province or Country, we also highly recommend purchasing travel insurance coverage.  If you have any questions regarding your policies or would like to discuss what options are available for you and your child, we would be more than happy to assist you.


And this one is for the teachers out there:



We would like to wish all of the students a wonderful first day back to school and a fantastic 2016-2017 school year!


Thank you,

The Costen & Associates Team

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