What is Legal Expense Insurance?

We are re-sharing this important information regarding legal expense insurance, as DAS Canada has provided us with some year-end statistics.

If you are a business owner, or someone who is thinking of starting a business in the near future, this information is for you!

According to DAS Canada’s website, 3/10 business owners faced a legal dispute in the last three years.  1/10 business owners personally know someone who has lost their business as a result of having to pay large legal expense costs.

Legal disputes and the resulting costs can significantly impact your businesses’ operations.  A Legal Expense Insurance policy empowers you to reach a settlement, defend or pursue your rights in court, and take back control of your business without endangering your finances.  DAS Canada offers two types of commercial legal expense policies that provides the protection you need:

  • DASBusiness
    • Policy limits of $200,000 per claim and $1,000,000 total per policy year for:
      • employment disputes
      • legal defence
      • contract disputes
      • debt recovery
      • property protection
      • bodily injury
      • tax protection
      • statutory licence protection
  • DASTransport
    • Policy limits of $100,000 per claim and $500,000 total per policy year for:
      • legal defence
      • vehicle contract disputes
      • drivers licence protection
      • statutory licence protection

The DASBusiness and DASTransport policies offer unlimited legal advice, even in the event the legal issue is not covered by the policy.  As a policyholder, you have access to the DAS legal helpline from 8AM – Midnight 7 days per week, as well as 24/7 access to the emergency line.  There is no limit to the number or duration of calls that you can make to the helpline.

In the event of a claim, as a DAS policyholder you can contact the helpline and discuss your legal issue with a lawyer.  The issue will then be reviewed and a coverage decision will be made.  Once a lawyer is assigned to your file, they will handle the legal case until it is resolved.

For more information on DASBusiness and DASTransport policies, or if you are interested in obtaining a quote, please do not hesitate to contact our Office.

Thank you,

The Costen Insurance Team


  • Hermie Lazib

    March 6, 2020

    Hi Kristel

    Re legal insurance
    What would be the yearly cost to insure my rental business

    • Blog Lady

      March 13, 2020

      Hi Hermie! We will have one of our commercial brokers reach out to you. Thank you!